Grow Your Circle

Entrada Equity Members enjoy being part of the men's or women's golf leagues. Each league has a governing committee that consists of club management and equity member participation. League committees are responsible for attaining new members, player development, and the organizing of club sponsored tournaments.

MEGA: The Men's Entrada Golf Association (MEGA) is an equity men's organization that plays every Wednesday under various formats, and promotes social friendships along with competitive golf. MEGA also sponsors a number of tournaments throughout the year for the enjoyment of its members.

ELGA: The Entrada Ladies Golf Association (ELGA) is a group of equity member women golfers that promotes social friendships along with competitive golf. ELGA plays every Tuesday with lunch to follow. The golf formats include individual and team play, holiday themed events, traveling team play, and a casual Putters Club competition the first Thursday of the month. Fun, friendship, money, points, and prizes are guaranteed when you join ELGA.

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